Mark your calendrers! Fall Fest is back!!
Sunday, October 13, 2024
11 am – 4 pm
Spring Street, Newton
(enter at the Union Place or Moran Street intersections)
Rain or shine!
Join us on Spring Street as the leaves are turning colors for the Annual Fall Festival! The Town of Newton and the GNCC provide a fun family-friendly day each year, where you can find…
- Classic car show
- Live music
- Activities for kids and families
- Crafters, artists and other local vendors
- and more!
Free admission! Fun for all ages!
♦ Volunteers needed! Call Kimberly Williams at Newton Town Hall to volunteer (973) 383-3521 x234
Vendor Applications are being accepted until
September 20, 2024!
♦ Vendor Application Form
◊ Food Vendor Additional Forms
A portion of the proceeds will benefit the GNCC Scholarship Fund!
◊Pay Vendor Fee online! ! ALL ONLINE PAYMENTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A VENDOR APPLICATION. Please note that a 4% processing fee is added to online transactions.
◊ Vendors please note: We will no longer limit vendors “one per genre”; multiple vendors for similar products will be accepted. The only exception to this is consultant-based businesses (i.e. Mary Kay, Paparazzi, Lularoe, etc.) which will still be limited to one per company.
⇒ Registered vendors: Please report to Spring Street (Union Place intersection, by Newton Theatre) between 8:30-9:30am on Oct. 13.
♦ Car Show Application Form: click here

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