GNCC By-Laws Changes

The By-laws Committee has drafted changes that the board has approved and we need the membership to approve to have them incorporated into the official By-laws of our organization. Please take a moment to review the following information.

Current By-laws – Click Here

Summary of purposed changes, new text is highlighted in cyan:

Article IV, Section 1:
New text: A thirteenth member of the Board of Directors shall be the individual currently serving as the Director of Community Development for the Town of Newton. This individual shall have all of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities as the other twelve members of the board.
Summary: Add sentence describing the 13th Board member and town liaison.

Article V, Section 1: Election of Directors:
New text: The exception to this shall be the individual currently serving as the Director of Community Development for the Town of Newton, who is automatically a member of the Board of Directors.
Summary: Add sentence describing the 13th board member as exempt from elections.

Article VIII, Section 5: Meeting Notices: Each member of the Chamber shall be given at least seven (7) days’ notice of all regular and special meetings. A good faith effort will be made to disseminate seven (7) days’ notice by regular mail, electronic mail, telephone, website posting and/or other means.
Summary: Add the word seven.

Article IX, Section 2. Standing Committees: There shall be eight (8) Standing Committees: Decorating; Scholarship; Finance; Retail; Public Relations; Social; Membership; and Beautification.
Summary: Added Beautification.

Article IX, Section 2, I: Beautification.  The Beautification Committee shall have the responsibility of upgrading the various “welcome” signs located on roads leading into Newton.
Summary: Added section I describing the Beautification Committee

Please fill out this form to vote.
GNCC Member Ballot: By-Laws Changes