Upcoming Dinner
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Farmstead Golf & Country Club
88 Lawrence Road
Lafayette, New Jersey
Cash bar/Networking 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm
The GNCC Dinners are held quarterly, or just about. We don’t hold a dinner in the summer. There is generally one speaker, sometimes two, that will discuss local news and events and then a presentation on subjects that are important to the local business community.
The GNCC welcomes the general public to our dinners as they provide excellent opportunities to get to know local business owners. This is also a great social networking event since it is usually attended by not only the GNCC members but also local government and law enforcement officials from the Town of Newton and Sussex County.
Members that have a businesses that can accommodate 50 – 100 guests are eligible to host dinners, depending on the meal costs. We prefer to keep ticket prices around $35-$40. Please call the GNCC offices if you are interested in hosting our next dinner – 973-300-0433
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